Casa Dubach, Hägglingen

Casa Dubach, Hägglingen


Casa plurifamiliare


2014 - 2016


Risanamento / Restauro


CH - 5606 Hägglingen (AG)


The protected building, dating from the early 19th century, was once used as a bakery. The building was converted to a multiple-family dwelling with painstaking attention given to maintaining the historical substance. Fixit 288 Calce Clima Thermo was applied to the façade to meet the requirements of the preservation authority for a thermal protective plaster coat.

Produits utilisés

Fixit 100

Fixit 100

Gesso da costruzione

Fixit 145

Fixit 145

Intonaco di lisciatura fine Planofix

Fixit 206

Fixit 206

Intonaco di fondo 0 - 6 mm per il restauro

Fixit 462

Fixit 462

Intonaco di restauro

Fixit 497

Fixit 497

Emulsione per intonaci e malte

Fixit 777

Fixit 777

Intonaco pregiato extrabianco

Fixit 784 OF

Fixit 784 OF

Pittura minerale al sol-silicato

Fixit 830 evo (C30-F6)

Fixit 830 evo (C30-F6)

Sottofondo liquido a base solfato di calcio con aggiunta di cemento speciale

Casa Dubach, Hägglingen

Entreprises participantes

Planificateur / Architecte

Landolt & Ackeret AG, Hägglingen


Landolt & Ackeret AG, Hägglingen

Maître d'œuvre

Familie René und Monika Landolt-Rey, Hägglingen

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2 Mo